Tuesday, March 23, 2010

New Map is 75% Done

I posted it up so people could get a look at it too. Let me know what you think.


  1. Looks cool. Is each box going to be a territory that people can control? How are we going to determine starting locations? You can pick a starting location that does not have any words to it or something like that? Do the storyline missions have associated locations with each mission you have to attack like in the Warmachine one?

  2. In Short Yes... to like all of your questions. Let me finish the Rules packet and all your questions will be answered. But for now, yes, each box is a portion of Ashvale. I will most likely keep naming them. Starting Positions are a little different I'll get into that later. And yeah certain Story Line Missions require you to fight at certain locations.

  3. Oh I found them. Though could I suggest that not every site on the map be a building?

  4. No need, I'm already ahead of you on that one. Also not every building will have special rules, some will just be needed to complete objectives. Like the Gov Estate has 0 bonus' but is required to own at some point in order to complete certain fations story line scenarios.
