Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Faction/Player-specific missions

I like the Apotheosis campaign because it has several paths to victory, including the storyline path. Would it be cool if we could each create our own 3-part mission for our faction? Not the rules, per se (we'd leave that up to Dan with some of our input), but the storyline part. That way each of us could have the story our group wants to unfold available. For myself, I was thinking the Neverborn have picked a particular village that they want everyone to just disappear from, and they're working towards that goal. Jay plays Neverborn too, but he can create his own story that his Neverborn are trying to achieve. Make sense?


  1. Sounds good to me, though I think we'd need to find a balance to how quickly that could be achieved.

    Also, can players be eliminated from the campaign, or if you lost all your locations do you just raid in to one location at a time till you have a foothold again?

    I think I like mikes idea of letting the difference in location types determine who gets what instead of just having one or two of each type out there.

    Win Conditions
    1) Controlling a percentage of the board (what is the percentage?)
    2) Complete all 3 missions in order
    3) ? Owning all of two types of location?

  2. I was thinking if you got knocked out of locations, you could try to regain a foothold again. It's no fun if someone has to drop the campaign and stop playing a while. Better to keep everyone playing the whole time.

    Maybe the missions would be scattered around the map and you can only attack from adjacent or something to reach them, so you can go for your missions and essentailly ignore keeping your territory (your group could care less about holding the swamp - they're just trucking it through there on the way to their next mission - kinda like Legion in the fluff so far).

    I like the third path to victory too - owning all of two types of locations. Good idea.
